Past and Present Trustees and Volunteers
Past and Present Trustees and Volunteers
Founded in 2013, the Association was created to drive improvements throughout the town of Newmilns and engage the Community along the way.
Notably, in 2018, we were awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the equivalent of an MBE for volunteers, for the work we do around Newmilns.
Community Heritage & Tourism Hub
Newmilns Regeneration rented the old Post Office in Brown Street, from Loudoun Valley Trust and renovated it and turned it into Newmilns CHaT Hub.
Newmilns Festival Weekend
In 2016 we hosted the very first Newmilns Food Festival, which was a resounding success. From there we have built this into the Newmilns Festival Weekend, adding on the Newmilns Arts & Crafts Festival in 2018.
Placemaking Plan
We were the first community group in Scotland to have their placemaking plan listened to and approved by the Scottish Government. This set out the plan for various regeneration projects in Newmilns, boosting the ability to get funds.
John Sharp (Co-Chair)
Joyce Black (Co-Chair)
Position Vacant
Graham Vincent
Shirley Wallace
Marie Johnson
Bob Astill
Reg Donald
Steven Lawrence
Laura Sasse
Frances Sloan
Shirley Frater
Ryan Conlan
Sam Truesdale
Andy Wilson
Moyra MacKinnon
Laura McGrath
Keiran Wardrop
East Ayrshire Council Vibrant Communities
Caitlin Baker
If you want to join our team of volunteers at Newmilns Regeneration Association, either as a Trustee or a Member, please get in touch by emailing
Trustees are required to attend the monthly meetings on a regular basis, but if you join as a Member, you will not participate in the monthly meetings of the Board, but can still be involved in some of the projects we are working on.
You can join the Newmilns Regeneration Association as a member without taking part in the Love Newmilns Community Lotto.
Our latest set of accounts can be found here for the year 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.
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Newmilns Regeneration Association promote the prevention or relief of poverty, and work towards the advancement of community development. We advance arts, heritage and culture; promote the provision of recreational faciltiies and organise recreational activities for the benefit of the people of Newmilns and Greenholm