
What is a Placemaking Plan?

Placemaking is a process where local people consider their priorities for the improvement to places where they live.

It involves the Council and Community Steering Groups working together to co-produce a map of the community to identify areas which need improvement and how these improvements might be made. After wide ranging consultation, the priorities for improvements become part of the planning policy as guidance to the Local Development Plan.

The Placemaking Plan belongs to the community and represents the wishes of the community.

Once adopted, the plan becomes part of the Local Planning Policy, which means it has influence and has to be taken into consideration by private developers or public sector organisations when considering development or investment in that community.

The Placemaking Plan builds on the community priorities identified in the Community Led Action Plan, separating out the spatial priorities and using local knowledge, highlighting these on a map of the town.

More information can be found on the East Ayrshire Council website here

Download the East Ayrshire Placemaking Plan below.

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