AGM 15th NOVEMBER 2023

Taken from the Chair's Report at the 2023 Annual General Meeting for the Newmilns Regeneration Association.

"Thank you for attending the Annual General meeting of the Newmilns Regeneration Association. I would like to thank all Trustees present and past for the continual hard work they carryout on a volunteer basis for the town of Newmilns and of course Greenholm.

Next year will be the official 10th year of our existence and despite all the hurdles we have had to deal with over the years both mentally and physically, we are still going strong. I had stepped down as chair but due to a change in office bearers I have recently returned to my previous role. 

Graham was chair for that time, I cannot thank him enough for all his hard work, for also now taking on the role as Treasurer and Bob as Lotto Manager, both these roles require frequent updates.

I feel it’s only right Graham updates you on all the numerous activities and projects the NRA have been involved in over the last year. 

We cannot always disclose every project to the community, as some of our involvement has to be discreet.

I will go back for a minute to the reason the NRA was setup:

  • To promote the prevention or relief of poverty
  • Promote and work towards community development
  • To advance arts, heritage and culture
  • Promote and organise recreational activities with the object of improving conditions of life for the community

The Trustees of the NRA have tried their best through their voluntary roles to achieve and have accomplished most of their purposes, which they can all be very proud of including a second Community Action Plan.

I cannot thank our Secretary Shirley Wallace and Gareth, enough, for not only keeping people updated on our social media accounts but also for continually updating Love Newmilns, which they built and donated for free, thank you. 

I also want to thank the businesses and groups for their continual support in our quest to make Newmilns a better place to live. We will continue to work with the Community Council and keep other community groups, including Townhead Tara (well done on winning the National Excellence Award) and Gilfoot Tara (for being a runner up). 

We now have a fantastic development Officer (Caitlin), who has made a vast difference to the group. With Caitlin in place we are now able to move on to larger projects. These projects will take up a vast amount of the volunteer Trustees time. 

The Town Centre Master Plan is being updated to enable grant funding to be applied for to Regenerate the Town, CARS (Conservation Area Regeneration Schemes) are no longer available.

The Tin Shed, next to the new Browns Road car park is being demolished and the land asset transferred to NRA, a new build will generate much needed funds towards the upkeep of the Hub and other projects within the town.

The Townhouse will also be asset transferred and again will provide funding for other projects within the town and both building will be put in a trust for the people of the town.

Unfortunately due to SEPA's decision (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) that the River Irvine running through the middle of our town is a flood danger, all new build Housing must be on higher ground but that wont stop us continuing to try and regenerate areas of our town.

A community garden, heritage group, football, group, Burns group and a trail to complement them. An app and lace murals to promote tourism in our town and the Irvine Valley as a whole are some of the projects being worked on by trustees and members/volunteers. 

I could go on all night as some of you know! We have and will have more exciting projects in the future and when it comes to events, Christmas Fayre being the first, Graham will update.

I have to say a big thank you to all our Trustees for the continual dedication they give to the group. Also to the community as a whole for all the support they give us and have given us over the years, thank you.

John Sharp has been a Trustee over the last ten years and is getting a bit young to attend all the meetings, with the consent of all the trustees, John has been made an Honary Trustee allowing him to attend meetings, when it suits, thank you John, for all your hard work, knowledge, support and dedication over the years."

Newmilns Regeneration Assocation

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